Oh my Bloggettes how depressing is this weather! Its absolutely pouring here - or coming down in stair rods, that might be a peculiar Yorkshire expression! Mind you it sums it up perfectly or another word which does that is vile! Bring back the sun.... PLEASE!!! So a thrilling day here in the rain, did I mention it was raining? My washing is in the dryer, because its raining, the cats mardy because he wants to go but because, did I mention its raining, doesn't want to go! He'll tried the back door, the front door, the conservatory and then them all again and is really disappointed because its raining at all of them!
So to cheer you up (I hope) I thought I'd show you a card I made using one of the new Gorguss Girls - I love this little plump fairy! She is just so cute. She is one of my favourites, well at the moment anyway.
She's been coloured with distress inks and H2O's so she has a subtle shimmery effect - naturally that doesn't show in my superb photography! ( You'll notice a lack of kitchen implements in the background lately sorry to everyone who liked to spot them!) I added a few flowers and punched leaves and was finished.
So now to really brighten your day a couple of photos of the girls!
This is little Tinker. She's having one of her favourite treats - an almond! You can see how she's holding it in her foot while she munches away. Her eyes are really half closed. A sign she's really really enjoying it, she also makes little 'Mmmmm' noises too.
Now you might remember the photos from the other day where Tinker was unpacking the shopping and Harry wouldn't help her? Well last night Harry was on laundry duty.
Now the things in the bottom of the basket were folded neatly! Harry decided though that they weren't folded to her strict specifications! It only took her a few moments to refold them!
'Right that's those sorted out properly - humans have no idea!'
So there you go anyone need a parrot to help them fold their laundry?
Hi Bloggettes - summer is still absent... ~sniff~... so to cheer you all up a few pics of my girls! Here's Harry with her new game - football! Well not exactly foot as such... beakball doesn't have the same ring to it does it? She now likes to play with this old tennis ball by rolling it on the floor! She intersperses this with a few jumps on the ball to liven things up! Oh you have to squeak while you're doing it too.
So while Harry was busy with her ball Tinker was doing a shoe hygiene test. First of all she had a good sniff in mine!
Followed by a good look - hmm yup its a shoe!
Followed up by a good look and a sniff in OM's shoe too! Its great having your own shoe hygiene specialist in residence!
Now over on Cute Daisy May our challenge this week is quite simply 'Friends' may a card for a friend for any reason you like. I'm sure we all have a friend who'd like a card for no reason at all. I'd had little Daisy May coloured in for a while and here she is! Having a little girlie chat on the phone with her friend. This was actually a really economical ard to make too! Off cuts of card, punched flowers and card candy. Oh I sneaked in a peel off too! Oh and a die cut for the phone to finish.
So have ayou a friend who you need to say hello to? Make her or him a card then you can enter our challenge!
Sunny Saturday? Well obviously I don't know if it is or not yet... fingers crossed though. I'm getting a bit peeved with the distinct lack of summer!
So I thought I'd treat you with a few gratuitous parrot pics!
I'd popped to the supermarket for one or two things. My 'able assistant' Tinker immediately came to my assistance!
'Right I'll just check this one for you Mum. Hmm reckon I'll have to get in the bag perhaps'
'Hang on I'll just get hold of the bag and pull it over instead. Crikey she works us little parrots hard'
'Oh its bread my favourite! Harry! come and give me a hand!'
'Oh I can't I'm busy'
Poor Tinker! She was trying so hard to get the bread out while Harry busied herself. Making herself beautiful that is! When a gal's gotta preen a gal's gotta preen! So preen she did. Once Tinker had got to the bread Harry went to help her then! I had to go and take the bread off them or else it would be destroyed!
So onto a bit of crafty stuff (yes I must, I know the parrots pics are better!)
I made this one using some of my new Magnolia stamps. I really like this background one. I stamped Tilda and masked her and then did the background. Coloured with distress inks and H2O's. A touch of paper from my stash, butterfly punch outs, butterfly charm, punched flowers and Autumn Leaves 'Ticketed' stamps.
I think she's worked out quite pretty - I was going to put some ribbon on but stuck it down before I did ~blushes~ So no ribbon in the end!
Hope you have a lovely weekend and that we please see some sunshine!
Crikey Bloggettes what on earth has happened to summer? I mean it is July right? That is a 'summer' month? When did the UK get a monsoon season? I know loads of folks were grumbling the other week that it was too hot.... bet they're grumbling louder now! I'm grumbling because its wet! Bring back the sun I say. ;))
So just to brighten your day (if I could I would folks!) I decided this new little Gorguss Girl needed a swipe of ink! She was then coloured with Distress inks, H2o's and adorned with paper et voila!
I kind of like how she turned out - you know when you think something but then aren't sure if that was the right way to go? Well I thunked that but reckon in the end she was just fine!
So here's to a D R Y Wedensday folks - a bit of sun thrown in would be nice too - hey my tan is fading!
Oh my what a shock I had yesterday - the internet went down! ~gasps~ I know I was in shock too! It took me till this afternoon to sort it out, I even had to do something technical with the router too ~double gasps~ I know me doing techy stuff. Whatever next?
Well next is my card for this weeks challenge over at Cute Daisy May a sketch, drawn by yours truly (that's me by the way).
I thought it looked quite good in my head.... so I chose my image, picked the paper (new Bloom and Grow by MME) and got stuck in.... what I didn't realise the image I'd chosen was a tad big for my card blank! What a twonk I am.... Anyway I'd got half the papers stuck together by then... So here she is. In her disproportionate glory!
While I had the papers out I thought I'd do another quick card using them. They are rather lush! That norty Lynne at the Craft Den pointed me towards the stamps which matched the papers (a bargain at 99p per stamp).... well whats a girl to do? You've got it buy them! So I used the little bird and coloured him with Marvy pens and huffed abit and stamped him out likewise with the blossom and leaves. A scrap of ribbon finished the card off.
A touch of punching a la Martha Stewart too. I even managed to match the points up too! I've discovered I get on much better if I use the punches back to front rather than lining the patterns up on the front.
Well I suppose I should go and cook something - two hungry birdies are yelling at me telling me its tea time!
Is anyone here? Bloggettes where are you? Caique Momma am back in the building! Well strictly speaking I didn't actually leave...I've just had no time and then that pesky little mojo buggered off! Well I finally cornered the little blighter and a few slaps later he got his bum in gear and behaved! Notice how I refer to my mojo as male? Well naturally if its not behaving its a male.
So I have actually made quite a few cards over the past couple of days - I will thrill/bore you (whichever) over the next few visits.
First though a couple of tasty treats for you! These are some Linzer Cookies - imagine biting through buttery biscuit into the sharp sweet jammy middles.... yup they are seriously moreish! One is NEVER enough.
Now as I was sitting in the lounge I suddenly thought 'OMG! I left a banana in my golf bag 4 days ago' I rushed and retrieved said banana which was now black! How do they get so ripe so quick?! Anyway rather than chuck it away (I cannot eat really ripe bananas they are D I S G U S T I N G!!!) So I decided to make some muffins - these babies are banana, chocolate and walnut. I have to say they were devine! We had a golf match on Sunday so I took these and treated the girls ;-))
So I suppose you want to see my card eh? Well if you're still awake that is. Last week I had an email from Tracey at Dies to Die For to say that she had Anyas back in stock. Well I've had my nose over these for ages but nowhere had any. So I ordered them mighty quick - I ordered at 4.45pm and had them the NEXT MORNING! How good was that? So I had to give them an inking quickly - they are fab stamps!
This little girl said Christmas card to me - so that's what I did!
Purty huh?
Right a recipe 'thing';
Anya stamp from Dies to Die For coloured with distress inks and H2os Craft Creations paper, Prima flowers and charms from The Hobby House Snowflake border and snowflake punches from Martha Stewart - I got these a couple of years ago in the USA.
So there you go Bloggettes - hopefully I'll be back soon.
I'm from Yorkshire and live with my OM and the Big L. Along with my two caiques Harry and Tinker. I also bake
cakes! Oh and for those not 'in the know' Caiques is pronounced now you'll like this ... C A K E S!