
Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Oh my! BRRRRRR!!!

Oh my BRRRRRR!!! Yup we have tons and tons of that nasty white stuff! And from what I've seen on TV so does most of the country too. I suppose compared with some parts of the country our 8" is nothing really.... Well for me though that's 8" too much! Needless to say the OM and me's cars are staying on the drive. Well no choice really I don't think they'd shift an inch! Now I had a very lucky thing yesterday, I went and bought myself a pair of waterproof boots! Yup I managed to buy them BEFORE it snowed. Usually I end up getting them after its gone ready for the next time which doesn't happen ;)) So anyway I have these dinky little fur-lined, zip fronted.... yes I said zip fronted, at which point the Big L asked me when I was getting my shopping trolley as these were clearly 'old lady' boots. Well 'old lady' boots they may be but today my feet were dry and toasty warm.

Now while I was out I took a few photos of 'my' snow - which incidentally is available for anyone who wants it.

Pyracantha buried in snow! We also have an orange berried one, now the birds have eaten all the orange ones first. I wonder if they taste different? But then again one of my neighbours has an orange berried one and the birds haven't touched it.... mine is obviously much tastier ;))

Now yes I will concede the snow looks quite pretty.... but look at it piled up on the top of my bird feeders!

A little look through the wood near us.

And another!

Now a different sort of card for me. Where's the stamped and coloured image I hear you cry? I can't hear you..... I decided to try something really different. I think it kind of works too. Plus it was really really quick and it only used scraps of paper which I'd probably have ended up binning. A little punching a la Martha Stewart and a ribbon et Voilà!

I quite like it.... but its very different from my usual cards.

Now I 'd like to thanks those of you who've been asking after my Harry. Oh she has been a poorly chickie, especially after her new medicine last week. I thought we were going to loose her! She reacted awfully to it. So that went straight in the bin! Well she's perked up a bit since then and is just being sick occasionally. So I took a little video of her getting stuck into her seeds. Oh Tinker appears and she's playing 'kill the evil bell' I'm not sure what the 'evil bell' has ever done to Tinker.... but boy does it pay for it!

So here's Harry bum in air.....

I mean how else would you eat your seeds?

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Just for Just magnolia!

Yikes Bloggettes its me - again! I know twice in one week! Now is that a good thing or a bad thing.... hmmmm.... I think I'll leave it at that ;))

Well what have I been doing? I seem to have been really really busy but there doesn't seem to be much done. I had some really good plans too. Well they seemed good in my head at any rate.

I took the OM to Costco today. he came out laughing abut not spending any money. Well seeing as he ran off at the till is a fairly easy answer to that! And he'd slipped all sorts into the trolley too.

Well I've managed to make a card specifically for a challenge! Yipes how did that happen? I can't remember the last one I did just for a challenge, well not including Totally Gorjuss that is.

Over at Just Magnolia the challenge is for white and one colour. So all of a sudden I had this peculiar feeling.... it was my mojo poking me in the ribs! I grabbed hold of him and rushed off this card.

This has to be one of my all time favourite Tildas. So I did her in various shades of grey and used some of last years papers from Craft Creations. I used loads of these in this grey and in red and green too. I used flowers from Wild Orchid, ribbon from Jo-Anns, flourishes, pins from stash (two of which I coloured black) and a doily. Oh a little Stickling too.

The arty shot ;))

And as a special treat (I hope you're sat down) another arty shot!

Oh and for extra contrast I decided to take the photo on my nice grey worktop too..... ~whistles~

Friday, 19 November 2010

Not so traditional

Hi there Bloggettes.

Here I am again another week which seems to have vanished in the blink of an eye!

I mean come on who stole it? It doesn't seem two minutes ago that it last week and now its this week.... how did that happen? I know it seems to have past in a blur of flour, eggs and butter-cream! There's been one or two cakes made here this week!

Then there's the foul weather too. We've had a bit of everything almost. Today's has been murky in a cold damp sort of way. But the one thing I want to know is why do people drive round all the time with their bloody fog lights on??? I think I've got third degree burns on my retinas after going on the motorway tonight. I mean it was so foggy you could only see a mile or so....

Anyway enough of my whinging unless you want more?....

OK I take it by the resounding silence you don't ;))

Well a new challenge has just gone live (or whatever you call it) on Totally Gorjuss

This time its for non traditional colours. So I coloured this cute little hAnglar girlie. isn't she sweet? The papers are from the Basic Grey Jovial pad - thank goodness I bought a couple of these pads because I'm loving them lots! The flowers are from Wild Orchid Crafts and ribbon from my small ribbon selection... By that its not a selection of small ribbons but a small selection of ribbons... I mean there's hardly any....~whistles and blushes~

Now seeing as I've used a hAnglar image I thought I'd check their challenge out - and its snowflakes. Now the little panel of paper has snowflakes on so I'm entering this in the Lovely hAnglar Only challenge (or however you exactly spell Hanglar lol)

There' are some Stickles on the flowers and here and there just as a accent.

Et voilà! The arty shot! If you look really really closely, with your nose about an inch from the screen you might just make out the Stickles!

Oh this week the challenge is sponsored by Crafters Companion - as they say you got to be in it to win it!

Saturday, 13 November 2010

All traditional

Hiya Bloggettes!

Windy enough for you? Its been blowing a Hooley here! Well frankly I have no idea who this windy Hooley is but flipping heck I pity him with wind like we've had! Last night I was woken up by banging which was the bin being blown against the fence. I did elbow the OM to inform him... actually I was rather hoping he'd go out and move it... While I'm not exactly sure what he grunted at me I think the long and short of was that no he wasn't going outside in the freezing cold, wind and rain to move the bin! Fortunately the wind blew harder and blew the bin further down the garden and I was able to drop back off to sleep. Other wise I would have to go and move the thing. I did leave it this morning for him to pick all the rubbish up...

Now can I have a few good thoughts for my girl Harry? Poor little chickie has a poorly tummy again. We've done the vets again (I reckon we're well up on shares in the place now) and fingers crossed we can get her sorted. It seems though that she gets over one bout of sickness and another is waiting for her almost straight away :(( Poor baby.

Now there's a new challenge over at Totally Gorjuss It a nice easy one too, well they're all easy because I set them and you know my hair colour right? This week its a Christmas theme in traditional colours.

Ta daaahhh!

Is'nt this little bear sweet? He's a Lili of the Valley cutie. Coloured of course with my Copics. The papers are Basic Grey 'Jovial' I LOVE LOVE LOVE these. The poinsettias are by Prima and the spacers are from my stash.

All in all this was a quick (ish) little card to put together.

We 've had quite a few challenges lately over at TG which have been Christmas themed so I'm actually ahead with my cards! That is a first!.

Monday, 8 November 2010

A first!

Brrrr!!! Oh its manky! Absolutely, totally and utterly M A N K Y!!! Its raining, windy, freezing and nearly dark already! AWFUL! Oh I've got the heating on and its still not that warm.... one second..... ahhh! Should be better very soon, I've just turned it up!

Now you may have wondered at my choice of title.... if not why? ;))

Well I got a card order and the conversation went something like this;

'Can you do me a birthday card please?'

'Yes when and who for?'

'Oh its a girl I work with, its in two weeks' ~giggle giggle~

'Why are you laughing???'

~cackle cackle~

I'd now got that odd feeling....

'Well can you include something along one of her hobbies?' 'guffaw guffaw' (what a super under used word!)

'Er.... it depends what it is...'

'Oh it'll be easy for you' ~more cackling~

'Come on then what's the hobby?'

'It's pole dancing'

~thud~ That was my jaw hitting the floor!

Anyway after a bit of brain teasing and the loan of this fab stamp from my buddy Debbie This is what I made.

Taaa Dahhhhh!

I have to say I rather like her ;)) She did have a frou -frou skirt on. I cut that off as I thought a leotard look was more appropriate for pole dancing. I mean you couldn't pole dance in a big frou-frou could you? It'd cover your head when you went upside down! Which if I were doing it would only be a good thing! Hang on though that would mean my backside was showing though... I digress and I apologise for any nasty images the thought of me pole dancing has given you!

So she's been popped on a nestie and coloured with Copics, flowers a la Wild Orchid Crafts, a few blobs of Stickles, ribbon, lace, punching and pins and she was done.

Oh the arty shot for you fans out there.... there must be one surely?

Can I have a few good wishes for my Harry please? Little chickie is a bit poorly - again! I swear she wants me white haired and bankrupt.

Right off to turn that heating up a bit more I think!