
Sunday, 30 January 2011

As you like!


Who stole Saturday? Oh AND Sunday? I mean one minute it was Friday and then heck its Sunday night and almost Monday! So where's it gone to? It must have been stolen because it wasn't here....in other words I've been almost totally idle and done just about nothing, oh apart from a bit of sewing.... ~snigger's~ Heck who cares?

I was so ditzy I even forgot to post my card for this weeks Totally Gorjuss, how bad am I then?
Yup I'm B A D!!!

This week I even mad it easy, its a ''as you like it' week. See said it was easy ;)) We have another fabby sponsor this week - the lush Fantastic Ribbons I mean ribbons? How can you ever have too many?

I dug out one of my Sweet Pea beauties and Copic'd her thoroughly, applied flowers and Glimmer mist and voilà!

I'm not sure what made me do her hair pink! Its a bit bright for me... I think I might secretly fancy the same!

So here's the arty shot!

And another one! You'll notice a spot of seam binding has slipped in there too. I ordered this from Tracy at Creative Treasures - I got one or two bits.... as you do! Super quick service and her postage is pennies!

So come and play Gorjuss with us!

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

I'd like you to meet someone and WOYWDW

Well howdy there Bloggettes - well what a lovely day today, well yesterday was! I say that as by the time this gets published it'll be Wednesday and I'm talking about Tuesday which because I've not been to bed yet is still today.... Confused yet? I am and I'm supposed to know what I'm on about! Heck sometimes I do....it just doesn't seem to be often that's all, I'm a natural blonde remember folks.

So to start with a few pictures of my special babies! To start with my big baby girl Harry! Look at that dirty face! Yup at the moment blueberries are her FAVOURITEST fruit. She digs through the dish to find them.... and chucks what she doesn't want out! I think that's how she ends up with it on the top of her head...

At the same time Little Missy Nippy Knickers also known as Princess Tinker was enjoying treat, I was in the same room next to her and didn't get chomped.... She isn't on my knee though the Big L was sat next to me and she's on his. Yes I know she looks a sweet innocent baby....

Another one of Harry... just because I can ;))

So who's this person I want you to meet? Well you remember my little buddy Lumpy? Well Lumpy was telling me how lonely he was.... poor boy..... so I made him a little friend.

I'd like to introduce Olivia! Olivia is quite a tiny girl, I popped the Crafters International Size Gauge next to her. I think she's kind of sweet....

So here's the happy couple amid my chaos. Its a good job they aren't big.... they'd never fit on there!

Here they are having a look at an image I've coloured for an upcoming Work In Progress piece, the papers are picked but I'm not showing you them yet ;))

You remember the pic of Tinker looking like an angel? Well if you look at Harry in the foreground nice and chilled.... check Tinker out in the background!

Hey Momma you lookin' at me?!

I said you lookin' at me?!!

Yup in the last pic the little Madam had got her fluffy pants on! Which always means trouble!

I hope you enjoyed seeing my desk - this week I'll try to get to see more of yours!

Could you imagine having the hooligans on my desk? ~gasps and faints~

Saturday, 22 January 2011

What I made today...

I had a day out today - a sewing class! I'm lucky enough to have a super fabric (and wool) shop nearby. I discovered they do classes so seeing as I'd bought a sewing machine I booked myself in! I'm also doing a 6 week class as well....

So I went today and made......


I'm rather chuffed with it!

Saturday, 15 January 2011


Howdy there Bloggettes.

I hope you're all having a super week - ours has just got better, well earlier today.. well OK yesterday really but seeing as I haven't been to bed yet its still today to me. Confused? Heck I am and I know what I'm talking about.... well some of the time anyway! See my baby girl Harry has been poorly again! Yup another hospital stay for her. Cripes I reckon we must have shares there by now. the vet still isn't sure what the problem is.... more worry. Still she's home now and ~touches wood~ is bouncing around like anything. Now when we took her to the vets we were expecting some medicine and come home. But no she had to stay! But before we went she 'found' a clementine.... these are a big favourite. So she helped herself.

Hey I found a clementine Mum!

Mmmmmm!!! Nom nom nom....

Just get a bit more peel off and I can stick my face right in!

Do you notice the little pool of juice? She licked that off the paper!

So onto card making... though parrot photos are much nicer!

A new challenge has just gone live at Totally Gorjuss This week we're sponsored by Simon Says Stamp We, well me, want to see something cuddly on your cards.

So I had a rifle through my stamps and looked at teddies, bunnies, and things and then settled on this baby and his blanket!

I think that's cuddly don't you?

Monday, 10 January 2011

Meet Lumpy!

Now as you may have seen in my last post I seem to have acquired the urge to sew... I mean I've managed to avoid it all these years (all 23 of them) other than the odd button or hem repair. Well this urge started with the acquisition of Flossie the sewing machine. After a while to recover I'd booked myself on a sewing course before I knew it! So I'd been there today and like a good girl I did my homework when I got home. Once I'd done I wanted to sew something else... but what? I didn't want to start on my lovely fabric in the previous post and make a pigs ear of it!

So it needed to be small..... after a scoot round I came across some felt.... so some cutting.... sewing - on my machine no less, the application of stuff and Voila! Lumpy was born!

Now if you examine this creature.... which is a 'cat of sorts' you will see he is appropriately named ;)) Now his eyes didn't come out the way I pictured them in my head... nor his ears which were meant to be pointy kitty ones... or nose are you getting the picture? I quite like his little heart though.

So Lumpy has taught me a couple or three things.... felt is not easy to turn inside out - especially tails! Little things are mighty fiddly, pins are very sharp!

So please be kind to Lumpy... he has feelings you know!

Sunday, 9 January 2011

New buy!

Now recently I bought myself a sewing machine. Now I've never had one but decided I had to have one! So I was asked by the OM if it were to remain an ornament - cheeky bugger!

So I've enrolled myself on a sewing course and while out today I acquired fabric! The plan is to make bags with it....

Now when these will happen I'm not sure..... keep checking!

Saturday, 8 January 2011

First challenge!

Howdy Bloggettes!

Well what a shock for me when I came home today... we had 2 inches of snow! I'd been out only a couple of miles away and the lucky folks there had none! How unfair is that? Luckily it seems to be going, its very cold though so everywhere will be a skating rink no doubt. Roll on summer I say!

Now I've just done the first challenge of 2011 over at Totally Gorjuss Its a nice easy sketch - I draw them so it has to be easy! This week we're sponsored by Joanna Sheen The lucky winner gets a £10 spend in her shop!

So here's the sketch, told you it was easy!

And this is what I did, its my usual last minute wet glue card! This week more so than usual..... I made a card and photographed it.... went to put it on the blog and realised I'd used the wrong sketch!!! Looking on the good side, and there usually is one, I've now got a card already done for the next sketch! Mind you by then I'll no doubt not be able to find it. A bit like the new diary I bought ages ago. I know its somewhere.... I just don't know 'where' that 'somewhere' is that's all....

So the card. I used a Whoopsi Daisy digi image and coloured her with Copics. Now Whoopsi Daisy has got a BOGOF offer on at the moment! So for a mere £1.99 you get 8 images to colour - how good is that! There's a great choice too, cute, sassy, boys, well loads to choose from.

Anyway I used some papers from GCD, a Wild Orchid Crafts hellebore, see hellebore's aren't just for Christmas! and a Doo Hickey lace border die.

So there you have it. So you have two things to do now, enter at TG and check out Whoopsi Daisy!

Stay warm and snow free folks.

Oh I'll be having some candy soon as its almost my birthday - I'll be 23.....

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Happy Noo Year!

Happy Noo Year peeps! I'd like to wish you all a super 2011 and that you all have the best year ever! Did you have a good time last night? I did, we went to a ball and it was fabulous. A masked thing..... I don't do masks myself ;)) I mean how do you wear a mask AND glasses? So seeing as I like seeing I just stuck to me specs!

Now do you recall seeing THE SHOES on my WOYWW? Well I wore them last night, and I could walk and dance in them! No blisters or anything! So here's me..... posing!..... I take an awful photo....

Now the OM says these shoes need looking after after as they were a bit pricey......

He decided to give them a quick shine before we went!

Oh and seeing as this blog is (sort of!) crafty..... I thought I'd show you the card I did for the OM's recent birthday. Now as I sat down to make this, well ahead of time.... well before he got up on the day of his actual birthday..... My mojo was very conspicuous by its absence! So a quick furtle around in my paper stash found some Graphic 24 (I think) papers and made him an easel card!

The main thing is he liked it! but then again he always does... ;))