Well hi there folks!
Tis only little old me sneaking back in again! Now I seem to have come down with some kind of lurgy.... so thanks to whoever gave it to me!!! I really don't have time for it to be honest. So I've kind of grounded myself... well till I get bored anyway. Oh that doesn't take long ;-)) My boredom threshold is real short! I think its about the same as a goldfish....
howabout I give you a photo-fest? Well I do feel I've been abandoning my reader! So I thought I'd give you a weeks worth of pics in one post!
So you recall Jasper our poorly kitty cat? He's not too well at the moment but fingers crossed he perks up soon - well he's turned into a real bed cat. Talk about make himself comfy!

I mean where else would you expect to go when you feel the need for a spot of personal grooming?
Now a new challenge has just, well yesterday anyway, launched over at
Totally Gorjuss Its real complicated this week.... AS IF! Its simply to use some spots and stripes on your creation. Heck the challenges will always be easy - I mean I usually pick them!
Well this week has seen the Big L's birthday. Now male themed cards are picky enough to make... but even more so for my nearest and dearest. Big L is a game nut! So this Mo manning image is perfect for him! Coloured with
Copics and a touch of pencilling for a bit of depth.

I have to say I rather like it. Now much as I love flowers on my cards I don't think the Big L would share my love of them! The corner looked a bit
nekid, I tried a corner die cut and then decided on a little star button and a spot of twine. The sentiment is one of the new
LOTV stamps.
LOTV are this weeks sponsors too.

So while I'm in photo mode....
Here's a cute little peg bag I made in class last week. I think this fabric is fab! It has the funniest sayings ;-))
So when I got home I decided to make a simpler one, well mainly because I had no ric rac!
And I think I've been lacking in chickie photos too.
So here's Harry just relaxing! Yup she'll lay like that in your hand for ages! If you tickle her ears she goes to sleep.
Naturally Little Missy Bitey Britches was busy....
Oh there's a glass here.... I wonder if there's anything in it?
Oh wow there's a drop of juice in the bottom! Can I reach it?
Right that's the last drop licked out of there then!
Now Tinker was determined to make sure that all the juice had gone - 10 minutes she spent inside the glass!