
Sunday, 28 February 2010

Lazy Monday

Howdy Bloggettes - I hope none of you are suffering form that horrendous weather they forecast. At the moment it seems to have bypassed us. I hope so and not that its making a late appearance.

I had big plans of doing all sorts of things today. Well I mucked that up when I forgot to take the beef out of the freezer! Well on the good side I suppose that's tomorrows tea sorted anyway. Hmmm I hope you don't think I'm a posh bird because we're having roast beef and all the trimmings on a Monday!

So to brighten up your day - well I hope so - here's one of my latest Magnolias. I new I HAD to have this one as soon as I saw her! I think this little Tilda ladybug is so cute. The background paper is a Papermania one, its glittery with little ladybugs on! lol

The border is a Martha Stewart (naturally lol) and flowers are Wild Orchid crafts, nestie shape for layers.

I know its greeting less at the moment - I can't decide which to use. I used to be indecisive.....these days I just can't make up my mind....

Stay warm peeps.

Saturday, 27 February 2010

Your mother will love it!

Batten down the hatches Bloggettes it's going to be rough! Well not my blog obviously... the weather of course. Well it is here if we get what the weatherman has promised us that is. How come we get what he promises when its nasty but never when he says its going to be sunny??? I think he some kind of plan going on there.... I'm just not sure what though.

So anyway over at Totally Gorjuss this week we'd like to see something for your Mum, now I know not everyone is lucky enough to still have their Mum in their lives ( I don't) so anything your Mum would have liked will be lovely.

I decided not to do a card this week. My latest thing is these little boxes! I love them. One piece of card, a bit of scoring and some light cutting and sticking and you've made it! Oh some decoration is nice too.

I punched the edge a la Martha and inked it a bit and added a thin piece of ribbon.

Well the top had to have flowers on! A spray of roses and rose buds, the banner stamp is a Magnolia coloured with Copics.

This shows how the box opens.

So I know my Mum would have loved this, especially with something special in, a photo of one of her grand children or something. So we'd love to see what you make too.

Oh remember those hatches folks!

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

WOYWDW and stuff!

Hi Bloggettes!

How you all doing? I hope no one has any or too much of that nasty white stuff, they do keep threatening us with more though!

I don't want any! Not even a flake :)) We had a smattering again last night but that's gone now thank goodness.

So anyway here's my card for this weeks Softpencil challenge. Is'nt this little pirate cute? Of course he has his parrot on his shoulder lol He's been coloured with Copics and I went over the pattern on his bandana with a white pen. The papers are Costco specials, punching a la Martha Stewart, paper raffia and a magnolia skull! I think the punch gives a sort of wave effect.... well that was the plan anyway. I hope you like him ;))

Now this is a sneak of WOYWW - you can just see my mess behind this box! I think it shows enough of my usual mess! It'll be tidy one day and you'll all faint..... Don't hold your breath waiting though.

Now as it was Valentines day I decided to make a box to pop the OM's present in, which was 2 CDS... so I made the box and it was about 1/2 an inch too narrow! How annoying was that? Yes VERY annoying is the answer. Anyway I'd got him some opera tickets so I put those in instead.

This is a one piece box - a pizza style box I suppose. Punched around with good old Marthas, the danger then is then when its been decorated that it becomes too girly for a man.... OK I know its bright pink! I like him to be in touch with his feminine side. Actually that would be hard - I don't think he has one.

Anyway I opted for some black raffia, an assortment of flowers from Wild Orchid crafts and a Magnolia heart stamp which was Copic'd.

My 'arty' shot! Hmm I'm thinking that's looking a bit tidier! Yup the brads have moved.

Pop over to Julia's and check out the other messes, er sorry desks!

Saturday, 20 February 2010

Flower power!

Well howdy Bloggettes? Cold enough for you? Its too darn cold for me! I mean heck we even had more snow overnight! That's gone but we're quite white looking just from the frost. Please please please let us have a summer this year!

So to make things brighter over at Totally Gorjuss our latest challenge has just been launched. This week its flowers, I added power because I well.... I could really ;))

Anyway last week my beautiful Sweet Pea Fairies flew in! They were begging for ink! Honestly they were. So I had to ink this little beauty up - I think she is just so fabulous! I think she has a vampish kind of look to her and she asked me to colour her (yes she did!) in black and red! So I reached for my trusty Copics. That then causing some serious rummaging to find a suitable background paper! I knew I had some....where was it though? Eventually I located said paper, Basic Grey Scarlets Letter. I mean how old is that? I think it suits her though. Flowers from Wild Orchid Crafts which were spritzed with glimmer mist. A strip of black lace, a Rachelle Anne Miller sentiment from Dies to Die For and Voilà!

Oh in case you're wondering that's just how I look too, yes I have wings....;)) Not those sort either!

OK I know for me the first photo is kind of OK, my attempt at 'arty' might be pushing it...

So anyway pop over to the Totally Gorjuss blog and come and drool over the DT girls cards - they're really fab. Oh and this week the prize is a voucher from Crafters Companion.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

WOMWSW! and a fairy...

Brrrrr! Its dam snowing here again! How rubbish is that? Oh plus my car has just had to have a new catalytic converter.... It doesn't bear thinking about how many stamps and papers that would have got me! I certainly don't have enough fingers and toes to work that out. On the plus side though I have collected my new magnolias....hmmm can feel an inking coming on!

So its Wednesday and that means it WOMWDW or in my case 'NOFSDIOTRDFAC' Which means 'No on faint she's done it on the right day for a change!' Now I can only show you a corner of my sty, er I mean desk. A project in hand was drying on the other almost clear corner!

See isn't it tidy? I bet it makes everyone who feels there's is a tip and isn't much better!

What I can show you is this little baby! One of my new fairy cutie stamps - isn't she gorgeous?

She's actually a bit more vivid in real life, plus I think the flowers need a little extra too...

Still snowing.....

Saturday, 13 February 2010

Feel the lurve!

Hi there Bloggettes! Brrrr! I think that sums the weather up, oh not forgetting wet too.

Well I had a different start to the day this morning. Watching my car being taken away on a low loader! Its poorly :(( Suffering from a lack of power so its gone to the car Doctors to be mended. Its not going to be back till next week so I have a hire car till then. ~sighs~

Anyway over at Totally Gorjuss we want to see the love! It doesn't have to be a Valentine just a card to show love. So this is my take on it. I used my new MS punches which were the recent TSV on QVC. I'm liking them lots! This is one of my favourite stamps which I've Copic'd. The papers are from a Papermania pad. Flowers are a mixture of Wild Orchid Crafts and some I've had for ages. I had to take the photo quick as the glue was still wet! Luckily they didn't all slide down to the bottom layer :))

My attempt at arty! Oh the big pearl brads are from The Hobby House. They fit perfectly in the centre of my large flower border.

Now as its Valentines Day this weekend I thought I'd do a couple 'heart' themed things for market. See if I could get the customers to feel the love too.

So firstly a sponge! Snadwiched with jam and cream.....

And for the smaller appetite mini heart shaped cakes!

Remember folks - feel the lurve!

Now the girls have had some new toys. They really like them as you can see from this little video. However Harry decided that the camera was much more interesting! So decided to do a bit of posing. Now in caique terms this is what we call 'being a big scary bird'! She does finish off with a nice kiss though ;)) Tinker just carried on having a good old chew!

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

C c c crikey its cold!

Oh my its cold Bloggettes! Perhaps its living quite high up that our air is mountainous and therefore colder... or perhaps that its February and its just been my birthday and that its always cold then? lol

Oh I was 23 by the way, just in case anyone's asking....

So I was sat in the kitchen having a coffee and a browse of a magazine, oh and a chocolate biscuit was involved, when I could hear a funny noise. I looked out of the window and saw hailstones the size of peas! The noise was them hitting the conservatory roof which kind of amplified the noise somewhat. I nipped out to get a picture to show you, I mean I know you'd really want to see....

Pretty big huh?

Enough of the depressing weather - I hope we have a summer this year!

I saw on someones blog these cute little stickers from Accessorize - sorry can't remember who's blog! So naturally I felt obliged to buy some. Well mainly because the little bird ones go perfectly with this sentiment stamp from Magnolia. A couple of nestability shapes and an MS branch and it was done. Super super quick. ;))

Now sometime ago I bought this voluptous Fairy from Mo Manning. I think she's wonderful! I must be going through a purple patch at the moment. This is the second purpley card I've done in a week! That makes 100% of the purple ones I've done in the last year!

I even glossy accent'd her lips and she has a lovely pout!

Well best get a wiggle on and find food...

Stay warm folks.

Saturday, 6 February 2010

Seeing double!

Howdy Bloggettes!

My word we've had every kind of weather this week! Even more of that nasty S word stuff! Yipes.... no more please. However I think mores coming. Its my birthday over the weekend and its never nice weather! Yes I can appreciate that in February the chances of a red hot day are somewhat... shall we say slim.... but a break from ice and snow on it would be fab! Oh in case anyones interested I'm 23..... Er moving swiftly on!

Over at Totally Gorjuss our most recent challenge has gone LIVE! hahaha how grand does that sound? Well it has and its a sketch. Simple sketch because I did it and I only do simples :)) So this here is THE sketch, see I said it was simple didn't I? Now being a softie at heart (don't tell anyone) you may rotate or twist.. OK I'll even allow a tiny tweak!
Oh and this week the challenge is sponsored by Joanna Sheen too.

So this is my card for it. I opted for an Anya stamp this week, I coloured her to go with this Daisy Bucket paper I seem to have had forever! I'm not convinced by the backing paper though... I never seem to have what I want. Does that mean I'll have to go shopping do you reckon? I think it might!

Aslso here's my card for this weeks Softpencil spot too. Michu is singing his heart out! I do hope they're in tune - lol This wekk its a 1,2,3 challenge. So 1 of one item 2 of another etc

I opted for 1 image, 2 colours and 3 decorations. It was tough! I opted to keep it fairly plain and simple. I think it works quite well and it made a lovely quick card. Which we often need! Or is that just me?

Have a saunter over to both blogs and see what the other DT girls have done.

Take care!

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Hearts and flowers

Hi Bloggettes - cor blimey its cold! We've had some more of that nasty white stuff again today! Yipes more of the 'S' word, I was rather hoping we'd finished with it. Seems not, well at the moment anyway. Fingers crossed its short lived.

Anyway while I was out the other day and purely because I had to I bought this sweet little Tilda with her lollipop. I'm sure you'll understand when I said she made me buy her.... believe me the pain when she twisted my arm right up my back.... I had no choice but to cave right in...

So she was inked up and coloured with Copics. Her lollipop has been Glossy Accented just because it was on the desk really. Papers are 'Two Scoops' by Basic Grey. The swirly background has little hearts in the pattern and is a favourite and this was my last sheet! I was hyperventilating I can tell you. A few roses and cherry blossoms from Wild Orchid Crafts and punched leaves and she was done. The flowers they have there are totally fabulous! They also come in the neatest boxes too.

So because I've got hearts, flowers and a Magnolia stamp on it fits perfectly into the Just Magnolia challenge too.

So I managed to avoid getting the bin in the photo too - impressed Joanne? ;)) Oh and an 'arty' one showing the flowers. That's quite good for me, usually I cut them off when I try that!

Now the other night I was sat watching TV when all of a sudden I was covered in bird food! What the heck I thought??!! Well when I looked round it seems that Harry was under the impression that her dish was a bit full.... either that or what she wanted was right at the bottom. Therefore the only course of action open to her was to empty the dish..... oh boy did she!

Enjoy Kath!

Monday, 1 February 2010

Tando heart


Just a quickie one from me (thank god you all cry)

Fabby Di at Tando Creative is running a competition to win a hearts and crosses board made out of her lovely chippie. Each piece of the board was made by someone different. This is my little effort. My heart was covered with a very thin wood. I applied a lick of cream metallic sheeny paint (Can't remember the name of it!) A couple of prima flowers, spacer, pearl brad and charms (heart and key) oh and pearl hearts were all from the Hobby House.

Pop over to tando and check out the rest of the pieces - they're fab!