
Saturday, 26 June 2010


Yayyy! Its been sunny - AGAIN! FAB-U-LOUS!!! Though as someone said to me the other day on the 21st, the longest day... 'Oh the nights will be drawing in now soon be Christmas!' Heck I thought lets have a bit of summer first before we think about Christmas! I mean are we having one this year? I personally can do without, all the work I have in the couple of weeks beforehand makes me a tired bod ;-)) Still I always have energy to open a few present though.

So no card to show you today. Instead its a bag! Nothing very exciting a little gift bag made from an envelope and decorated. Its for the challenge this week at Totally Gorjuss which is for a gift bag.

I'm envious of her eyes! I'd love to have eyes that colour....Now I know you can get coloured contact lenses. I did go for a trial of ordinary contact lenses after some persuasion from my Optician. I explained I wasn't keen and didn't think I'd be able to get them in or out.... I was right. He put the lenses in. How does it feel he said 'like you've put a house-brick under my eyelid' I said. It'll wear off he says what can you see. 'Nothing my eyes are watering too much' So much I washed one lens out of my eye. I put it back in and pulled out most of my eyelashes in the process which promptly lodged under the house-brick..... The Optician then decides I'd had enough for that day - no chance Matey I've had enough of them period! So then the fun of getting them out. It felt like they'd been glued to my eyeballs! So while I dream of eyes this colour it ain't happening!

Back to her eyes though, pretty huh?

Pop over and check out our challenge - this weeks we're sponsored by Dies to Die for

Monday, 21 June 2010

Oo'ar! Jim lad!

Oo'ar shipmates!

Pieces of eight, shiver me timbers, ship on the starboard bow and other piratical phrases! Now you may have assumed this was me, Caique Momma posting... wrong tis I Snafu Straw, pirate of the high seas of Yorkshire.... OK some of you may think hang on there are no seas high or other in my part of Yorkshire... for this post there are you landlubbers! ;))

The challenge over at Simon says Stamp is Pirates - oo'arrrr! Avast ye with a bottle of rum strapped on me dead man's chest and all that! Hmm I'm not struck on rum actually unless its in a Pina Colada... could you strap that on a dead man's chest I wonder? Either that or a nice gin and tonic....

Anyhoodles I inked up little pirate Edwin and stood him in front of the barrel. Coloured him with Copics (natch ;)) I even found some paper with anchors on! I've had this forever! On the bit that's left it says Daisy D's, twill and raffia etc from my meagre stash....

So have at ye me hearties, yo ho ho and a Pina Colada....

Oh you might want to catch the passport saga below this.... you wouldn't believe it....

Saturday, 19 June 2010

Have you got his passport? TG and JM card too

Howdy Bloggettes!

So do you have the OM's passport? Someone does and it for sure ain't him! So what's this little saga I can hear you say? I can can't I? I mean I'm not talking to myself am I? ;))

I'll explain the saga - in a way its quite funny.... You do need a well developed sense of humour to appreciate the funny side though!

So the OM applies for a new passport, after a while when its not arrived I phoned the Passport Office... first part of the saga. The number I Googled isn't for the actual passport office. Its £1.50 a minute, which it only tells me when I've phoned the second number!

Eventually I get through...

Me - My husbands not received his passport

Them - Oh but it was delivered in May

Me - Not here it wasn't

Them - Oh I'll get back to you

So the next day she phones back. Now I should have realised when she starts the conversation with a very sheepish laugh...

Them - can you describe your house please?

Me - Why? I thought they photographed the door?

Them - ~more sheepish laughter~ well I'll get back to that in a minute.

I then describe our house....

Me - So what about the photo then?

Them - Er what's your roof like please?

Me - Roof??? why?

Them - the roof?

Me - Well its got red tiles on it.... The photo?

Them - ~another little giggle~ Well the courier seems to have taken a photo of your roof. But its got a distinctive spiral on it. So its proof they delivered it to the right address.

Me - The roof? He took a photo of the roof???

Them - Its distinctive

Me - 95% of the houses here have those on actually.

Them - Ahhhh.... I'll start an investigation then...

To cut a long story short, and this is the abridged version, she emailed me the photo.....

Fantastic isn't it?

So the question is 'Who lives in a house like this? Over to you' Oh and do you have the OM's passport?

See what I mean about having to laugh? Fortunately I can at the moment as our holiday is still 3 months away!

Onto lighter things another challenge has just started at Totally Gorjuss This week the theme is 'Sugar and Spice' I immediately thought of this sweet little Tilda with her frog!

I then added another Tilda frog at the front of the card too - looks like he's going to hop off he card! I'm not sure if the sentiment's a bit big... its perfect for her and her froggy though. Over at Just Magnolia their challenge is in the garden. Now you frogs in gardens right? Oh and flowers too. So I've entered it for that too.

Oh the arty shot!

Now what I've used or recipe even ;))

Papers - Pink Petticoat gingham download Magnolia frog paper
Spellbinder heart nesties
Wild Orchid flowers
Martha Stewart punches - heart border and fern frond
Lace from stash
Tilda coloured with Copics
Frog - YG00 YG03 YG23 YG09
Dress - V000 RV00 V12
Hair - Y11 E50 Y26 YR31
Skin - E000 E00 E01 R20
Wings - BV0000 RV0000 BV02


Epic huh? I think the Passport story is classic - only in England! Have you had such a drama with them? I really really hope not!

Thursday, 17 June 2010

WOMWDT and Just Magnolia sketch

Hi Bloggettes! Well what a beautiful day we had today, OK I know technically it was yesterday as its now after midnight but its still 'today' to me as I've not been to bed yet!

Well as I'm sure you all know today (yesterday then!) is WOYWDW, or in my case WOMWDT ;)) over at Julias So here it is! Not too bad and quite a bit of room! At least 10" square. Trust me in MY world that's a lot! I'd just finished my card for the Just Magnolia challenge, you can see a neat note of the sketch! I then copy the ones I like into a note book for future reference. So there's also some rock candy distress stickles... which I have to say doesn't thrill me. Its not sparkly enough.

Oh what's this that's dropped on my desk! Yup it just dropped down right in front of me! Came out of the sky and everything! Yes it appeared 'just like that'.... nothing to do with the postman whatsoever....

How fabulous is this then! V E R Y!!! That's the answer ;)) Yup this little beauty was made for me, especially for me by the extremely fabulous and super talented Karen

Look she even used cake fabric for it! I mean isn't it just perfect? Thank you so much Karen I totally love it!

Now if you're still with me (and awake too - a bonus) You'll recall I mentioned a card for the Just Magnolia Challenge. This week they have a sketch done by the very talented Mina

So all inspired I inked up little pirate Tilda and sat her on the barrel.... er she's meant to be one sided! I can explain! She's on a ship in very rough seas and is being thrown about. See a simple explanation.

So she's been Copic'd, I can tell you the numbers if anyone wants them. Papers are some old stuff out of my pile, organza ribbon from JTF, and the scrap of red has been on my desk for ages. Skull flowers from Prima, roses from Wild Orchid Crafts They've had a smear of the aforementioned Rock Candy Stickles.... not impressed with it. Oh and some punching a la Martha.

Oh here's the arty shot for you!

So if you aren't asleep by now.... well you might want to try some Horlicks!

Friday, 11 June 2010

Its the weekend!

Howdy Bloggettes!

Wet enough for you all? I mean this wall to wall rain is fantastic isn't it? What you don't think so? Me neither! I can assure you I was not one of the folks who were complainig about the sunshine! Bring back the sun I say. Please! Saying that the rain did help when I was digging holes to plant my new apple trees. It meant I was digging in soil as opposed to concrete when its fry. Made getting the massive rocks out easier too. I'm paying for it now though, my operated on hand is grumbling a bit.... oops!

So just to cheer you all up a photo of everybody's favourite girl! Yup my Harry She's pinched a bit of my toast. She doesn't usually stick her leg randomly in the air when she's easting honestly. She'd just let go of the toast.

Sweet huh?

Also over at Totally Gorjuss we've just gone live with a new challenge. This week we want to see everybody's favourite card.... MENS! lol Yes I picked that theme folks. Blame me.... I actually quite like making men's cards. Unnatural or what? Mind you I do think there are some lovely images around now for male cards. I'm loving these Lili of the Valley boy images. They're super.

I think this little fellow is concentrating really hard on the race game - a bit like the Big L! He gets transfixed ;))

Anyway I dig an old sketch out and Copic'd the wee lad. Some Bo Bunny papers and ribbon which I've had forever, a gingham download from Pink Petticoat and a few buttons and he was all done. Oh the sentiment is from Clever Cut.

Now I know I've been forgetting you Harry fans - sorry! So just for you here's a little vid of Harry having her (well mine actually) breakfast. She even leaves her toast to get a drink and comes back to it! Oh and when the toast moves she stands on it to hold it still! Clever huh?

Saturday, 5 June 2010

Sunny Saturday

Morning Bloggettes!

And its sunny again! I mean that's two, three days in a row! I know its not going to last though. According to the forecast the weather is meant to change tomorrow and get more like what we're used to! That is wet and cooler! So make hay while the sun shines I say, well especially if you're a farmer and have hay... We don't personally but next doors garden is like a field, complete with dandelions which have now dispatched their seeds all over MY garden! This is when they usually decide to come and cut it. Still I suppose all the weeding will keep me busy... because you know I have nothing else to do.

Anyway enough of my whinging ;)) There's a new challenge on at Totally Gorjuss this week which is a nice easy sketch. Heck I drew it therefore its got to be easy right? I can't do complicated - its the law!

So I used the cute little Lili of the Valley boy. Isn't he just sweet? He has been coloured with Copics. Now the paper..... the stripy paper is some old Magenta paper.... the one with words on is some I've had for years and years. I've no idea what it is other than I bought it in America. And I know that last bit of info is of no use whatsoever ;))

So voilà! Oh the sentiment is from a QVC set.

Oh the sharp eyed among you will notice ANOTHER cropped photo! I mean its only taken me a couple of years to fathom out how to do it.... quick learner me you know.

This little guy also fits in nicely with this weeks challenge over at Simon Says Stamp Challenge where they want a card for the man, or boy, in your life. I think this little sweetie fits the bill.

Anyway pop over and have a gander at the TG challenge, the prize on offer this week is a voucher to spend at the fabulous Joanna Sheens shop of all things crafty.

Wednesday, 2 June 2010


Well this is becoming a habit Bloggettes! Twice in one week - oh no I hear you cry lol Well you can't get too much of a good thing you know. I'm not quite sure my little blog comes anywhere near that category!

So have you got a bit better weather today? We have, well after yesterdays miserable rain today's sun was a very very pleasant change.

So seeing as its Wednesday that can mean only one thing! Yup its WOYWDW! Which of course means I show you what's on my desk! Oh what a treat.... NOT!

Now as some of you know I have, ahem, one or two Copics. I have a chart with all my colours on and which are sketch's and which are Ciaos. It was a bit tatty so I did another one. It was actually quite pleasant in a mind numbingly dull way to colour all those little squares in! So for now I've got a tidy clean chart. It'll not last though as I make notes on it of which colours go well together.

Julia, the clever lady who started WOYWDW has a fab linky for all the desks, I love it! Its a great way of nosing at other peoples stuff from the comfort of your own home! How fab is that?

So just before I'd done this I coloured this little sweetie in. She's all dressed for some party eh? Its one of the new designs from Whoopsie Daisy, there are loads of super designs to choose from all at bargainaceous prices too ;)) Then of course there's the Whoopsie Daisy challenge too! This week the challenge is 'ribbons and bows'. I managed to squeeze in a teeny tiny tulle bow...

Pop over and check it out, there's loads of time as this is a monthly challenge.