Howdy there! I'm back again, a bit like the proverbial bad penny I suppose. You know turning up when I'm least expected. Just been a touch of manic-
ness here again,
but hey when is it any different I hear you say.... well assuming there's someone reading this of course ;)) Oh and just for the cherry on my cake I've got bronchitis AGAIN! Though I'm going to behave as I don't want what I had last year.
So there's a new challenge over at
Totally Gorjuss This week the theme is ~
sniggers~ Let it snow! And you all know how much I love that! Well hopefully this will be the only snow we see I certainly hope so.
So I got out this little darling from
Wee Stamps She's been coloured with
Copics, papers are my old favourites from Bo Bunny.... (I've only got one sheet left!), a Timmy clock dial, an assortment of snowflakes, holly
leaves and a hellebore flower. Oh a smattering of Diamond
Stickles too.

A bit of an arty shot for you.

Now I'm sure you remember my escapades with Little Missy
Bitey Britches aka Tinker. For some reason Tinker decided Mummy was one
BAAAD person who needed biting as hard and as often as she could get me! I've had a few good chomps from her.
Well I wasn't too keen on this to be honest. I prefer my blood in my veins and my skin without holes. Oh and it bloody hurt, she might be small but blimey can she get some power in that beak!!!
So we went right back to basics and we've made friends again. She still has the odd moments but we're much better. So I did a little film of her. She's sat on my knee. Harry of course HAD to be involved and she's sat in the foreground preening herself.
So how about this then? Tinker and me and my blood where it should be! Harry is doing most of the kissing noises, she makes them to herself when she's preening.
So that's my