So my picture treats for you today... are you on the edge of your seats? I hope so and if you aren't please hitch your bottoms forward! I'm trying to build a little excitement here you know!
Firstly my Prismas, now for some reason I decided to sort them all into shade order. As soon as I'd got them all out I wondered why I was doing it! When I'd eventually done it I was pleased (in an anal kind of way). Though they aren't as I'd actually wanted them. If I'd done that the colours would have overlapped the layers kind of thing. Thing is they're done and this is how they're stopping - well for now anyway!
I likes easy!
So till later loyal Bloggettes - I hope you're still awake....
Great card for big L - I'm with you on the envie/box dilemma! Love all the prismas sorted like that.
You'll never guess what??!! I started doing that with my Prisma's the other day but in the end I decided to put them by number order. Love the cards, especially the parrot one - very cute and a very fun looking!!!
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