
Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Hi Bloggettes! Nice to see so many have entered in my 'One World One Heart' give-away. Now back to 'normal' whatever that is! ;))

So I've made this little card for a friend who's broken her leg. Our fantastic local hospital did send her home first though saying nothing was wrong! Good huh? So now she's laid up for a bit while she recuperates.

So this little card has a 'Whipper Snapper' designs image, patterned paper, a piece of lace, a couple of nestabilities and a lick of white pen et voilà!

Just for a touch of oomph a few foam pads - I likes a bit of oomph when I can!

This also fits a challenge on Just Bex too.

And now for the star of my blog - Harry enjoying a piece of crackerbread - now you would'nt believe how far one of these crackers goes! I don't mean in an eating sort of way, I mean how much mess can one little bird make with a cracker! I found bits everywhere! And I mean everywhere. They're really itchy when they're in your bra!

Saturday, 24 January 2009

Treat Book part one!

Yo Bloggettes - my word has Blogger been naughty! Didn't want to play 'upload Caique Mommas photos' lol However due to my persistance I prevailed! So what have I got to show you today? Well I was browsing through the Helping Hands image CD and suddenly thought (like I do) 'hang on I've an idea by jove! Well it was something like that anyway.

So what I came up with is a little treat book - the idea being the recipient picks a treat of their choice. I picked the images which I thought suited each particular treat.

The papaers I used are some from a K and Co pad I've had for ages, the pages are cream bazzill card stamped with a HOTP swirl in brown, stamped images from Penny Black. The rest of the book is in the post below, Blogger was being quite naughty if you recall!

So I hope you like and perhaps make one of your own too.

If you do please post back and let me know! I'd love to see your pictures.

Treat book take 2!

Friday, 23 January 2009

http://katysbloggeroo.blogspot.com/ - Candy here!

http://n8tvtexan.blogspot.com/2009/01/blog-candy-here.html more candy here too!

So peeps - Caique Momma returns - I sound like a 70's TV sitcom there... hmm not a good thought lol

So what's been happening? Well I've not been far as the weather has mainly been pants! Quite a good description I think. Roll on summer, I do hope we have one this year! Anyways go and look at the fabby blog candy up there.

One day I'll have some too - need a few more posts yet though! One day...

So here's a couple of makes I've done. Another birthday book - hey stop groaning at the back! These are proving popular. I'm loving this stamp! Isn't she just cute? I then mounted
her on a background of embossed nesties, then a plethora of Primas. ;)) Pretty eh?
Little girlie is then mounted on foam pads for a touch of oomph!
The inner pages are pink (believe me it is) and cream.
A while ago I bought some cute little mushroom people stamps from www.dewdropcraftz.co.uk. You can find him and other like him here I think these are funky little guys and I've had quite a bit of use from them. I like stamps that are a bit different!

He proved quite easy to use and I layered him up for a better effect and dressed him with a tiny clip!

Well I'd best go and find some food, then I have a choice the dreaded 'I' word or crafting..... hmmm I wonder which will win?

Monday, 19 January 2009

My first DT shows!

Hiya Bloggettes from a wet, windy, cold and decidedly chilly Yorkshire! Rest assured all is warm and cosy in Caique Momma Towers though. I really hope the snow they've threatened us with fails to arrive.

So here you are a couple of things I've done using the all new Helping Hands Templates background CD. These are just a couple of things I knocked together last night. Oh that sounds so blase! Seriously they're easy to use, pop in the CD, select your scene and print - if I can do it it must be easy!!! I am seriously un-techy!!!

So the first one is a kitchen, a stamped image of a little girl and her cookies - I think she's rather cute. She's raised a little on foam pads.

Next! lol

This is a garden (obviously!) Isn't this pretty? This is how I wished my garden looked! Just like a little secret room at the bottom of your garden where you can sit and while away the hours.... ~sighs~ as if!

I really like this background! Looks lovely on its own. I have a few other ideas for this little baby later! Again a stamped image on foam pads and a sentiment treated the same way. Some thing that's created a quick and easy card which still looks effective.

You can go here and see more DT samples using the CD. The images all have the appearance of being painted in watercolours and are really versatile.

Now a little indulgence - this little beauty is my Harry!
And of course little Missy Tinker!

I mean who could believe that a little cutie like this would have chewed the corners off my mantelpiece?..... How could I even think she'd do that? or the doors for that matter, the picture frames, the chairs, the leather suite.....:-((

Saturday, 17 January 2009

Yummy scrummy and good news!

Hi Bloggettes!

My buts it's a bit wild and windy here, well not here as in where I am now, sat on the couch in the warm, but outside. I mean I know you probably understood what I meant... but I like to be sure! Its F R E E Z I N G!!! A really cold wind and its set to get colder again so I understand - hmm can't wait for that... Strictly speaking I can but heck its going to happen anyway. Oh and nest week there might be snow in the offing. Get ready for mardy bum posts from here - I HATE snow! Well I mean its OK, when I say that I mean on TV and postcards and stuff not where I am of course. lol

So for today's news on the Caique Momma front - well firstly I've been invited onto the Helping Hands design team! Woohoo! Linnie is sorting me a clicky picture thing to put on my sidebar. Now I know they probably aren't called a clicky picture thing but I figure its a descriptive kind of name! Now Helping Hands started out as templates (which are very clever and make lovely keepsakes) but are branching out into something new. So keep your eyes peeled folks as I'll be doing a few sneaky peeks! ;) Linnies site is Helping hands templates. its here

So the photos.... some of my baking!

First we have some pecan shortbread - now I have to say this is fantastic! A real success. I do hope you appreciate this shot folks - I mean I had to eat these after I took the photo! What hardships I endure for you... ~sighs~

Now this really bad photo! Is a sticky date bar - it doesn't show up well because its in cellophane! I know I could have taken it out but then I'd have to rewrap it... yup I'm lazy! This is a real sticky munchy chewy bar!

Now this one is coconut and apricot slice - again a touch on the yummy side - its the sneaky bit of chocolate underneath!
So just for you Janice, have you got a pen ready? here's the recipe!

200g dark chocolate 175g caster sugar
4 eggs 225g fine coconut
175g dried apricots chopped

28 cm x 18cm x 4cm tin lined with baking parchment

Melt the chocolate and pour into your lined tin, allow to cool and set.
Beat together eggs and sugar until well mixed, add coconut and apricots and mix well. Pour into tray and spread evenly. Now if it looks really wet and sloppy before you do this add a little more coconut.
Bake in an oven preheated to 180c till golden, around 20 - 25 minutes in my oven.

Cool and scoff!

Now for Adele - just to help her spend money ;)) these are soem sample of distress inkers sprays I made up.

From left to right its a mix of broken china and interference blue, then walnut stain and perfect gold and finally dusty concord and interference violet.
You don't really get to see the shimmer you get which is a shame or is it my photography? lol The beauty of adding Perfect Pearls powder is that they won't clog up the nozzle on your spray bottles.

So there you go folks a marathon post - I hope you're all still awake. Remember I can tell if you fell asleep while reading! It's easy because it'll say 'QWERTYUIOP' straight across your foreheads! ;))

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Candy alert!


Extremely generous amount of candy here Blogettes!

Friday, 9 January 2009

Black, blue with a touch of red!

Hi Bloggettes!

Are you wondering about the title? I hope so..... I'll take that as a yes then! Well it refers to two things the colour of my latest birthday book and the colour of my back and bum! Why is her bum that colour you ask.. you are asking aren't you? Well I managed to do the most spectacular triple salko with a double toe loop and a twist with a treble pike the other day. Unfortunately this amazing move ended up with me on my derrière! hence the colour of it. Well its not only black, blue and red there's also hints of green, purple and yellow too! All the way from my shoulder to the back of my knee. Oh and on my elbows too. If I'm going to fall I do it properly! Oh I also do it in front of people too! Not for me the anonimity of going flat on my arse and getting up before I'm spotted... oh no I perform before an audience.... By all accounts it was eyecatching. My 'friend' said it was a shame she didn't have her video camera with her! All heart some people aren't they? The fall did prove one thing my bum obviously isn't as big as I thought, I mean if it was I'd have bounced about 30 feet in the air!

Anyway enough of my scrapes - I can sense you nodding off!

So heres my latest birthday book (the true meaning of the title). I thought these colours would work well together and I think they did. I didn't opt for a stamp on the front. This time a plethora of Primas. I put that many on I almost fainted and glued myself to the cover so as not to part with them! Now I need to buy more as I'm almost out of small white ones. Indeed I'm down to my last dozen bottle altogether - and THAT simply will not do!

This is my close up 'arty' shot - I think these are getting a bit better!

Those small flowers aren't actually orangey in real life by the way!

This shows the pages inside alternate red and black.

So my Bloggettes there is todays treat for you! Off for another soak in the bath to ease my bruises, if I'm not careful I might end up wrinkley (er!).

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Harry and the fridge!

Now following on from yesterdays post about Harry and the fridge.... How did that happen then? Well because they are such noisy little monkeys they always have to be involved in whatever you're doing. In their eyes we simply cannot manage without their help! This particular day she was sat on OM's shoulder as he'd gone to get something out of the fridge. Unbeknownst to him she hopped off while he looking in the bottom of the fridge. He came back minus parrot! I then went and retrieved her from the fridge! She's wasn't perturbed at all, in fact she was more vexed when I made her leave the chicken in the fridge. She'd just popped in to help herself to a snack!

Monday, 5 January 2009

Unaccustomed as I am....

Woohoo I've got my first ever blog award! ~blushes becomingly~ ;)) Thanks very much Katie.

Now the questions....

Five addictions...

First - has to be my parrots - the caiques/hooligans/nutters/sweethearts depending on what they're up to at the time! Believe me with these two it can be absolutely anything! I mean Harry has even managed to get herself shut in the fridge! All I'll say is it wasn't me it was OM.

Second - shopping! Providing its clothes or craft stuff, food shopping is evil. I'll just say one word supermarkets!

Third - flopping! Sometimes its nice just to sprawl on the sofa and do nothing!

Fourth - Florida! Ahhhhh.... I could happily move there from October till May...... ~note to self keep buying lottery tickets~

Fifth - the sea - I can stare at it for ages. If its over a warm sandy beach... well even better.

Now five blogs - Now I suppose I have to try and do that fancy link thing too....

The results are, in no particular order... cue the waiting music!

Lythans blog She always shows great stuff and her posts are funny! Perhaps she should do some writing or something...

Sheilas blog I love her cards! She has the most fantastic ideas.

Kirsties blog always witty and she has brilliant photos too.

Nikkis blog super cards!

Adeles blog Now she's trying to kid us she's not a stamper - heck the womans published! ;))

So If I've done this right it'll show up as fancy little linky things..... ~gulps~.....


Is that a word? Well it is now! I've only had the door open to kick the cat out - literally! I had to shoehorn him out as I only opened it an inch! I'm kidding.... I opened it 2 inches! It was fun as this kitty cat is about 8 inches wide! He was a bit like a cork... Still he's got a fur coat on... He's back in now though tucked in his little furry igloo. Rather cosy, I wonder if they do human sized ones?

So a couple of pictures of my latest Birthday Book - in pink as requested. I did alternate the pages with a rich cream which I think works quite well as a contrast, a hint of green here and there to make it a bit more of a grown up pink. Well that was the plan! Even my OM looked at it and said how pretty it was - comments like that are usually crowbarred from him!

This shows the inside pages, I suppose in retrospect I could have done the text in green or pink. By the time I'd realised that though I'd got half of it stuck together!

Finally a picture of Albert! Albert is a caramel corn snake. The only thing is we now think he is a she... Albert has no idea of 'her' name though (ever seen a snake come running when you call it??) but Albert seems to have stuck - so Albert it is! Snakes aren't slimy, or cold. Albert feels lovely and silky when you hold her. If she gets the chance she heads up your sleeve or for a pocket. One of my favourites is when she got in the BIg L's pocket - she stayed there for ages and only came out when she'd had a poo! Oh how I laughed! He didn't think it was funny somehow..

Anyway Bloggettes keep warm and if you see any big furry igloos let me know!

Saturday, 3 January 2009

Birthday book!

Brrrr! Cor blimey Bloggettes its perishing! Mind you its been like that all bloomin day - roll on summer I say. Oh Lordy I hope its better than the 'thing' we had this last year though. I think washout describes it quite well. ;))

So what has CM been up to since I last blogged? Well I went to Hobbycraft to buy paper stumps the other day and it was closed. PC World wasn't and somehow I sort of bought a lap top... like you do ~blushes~ So I'm still finding my way round it so to speak. I know they're all really similar but its different as well if you know what I mean! The keys on the keyboard are different - that will explain and funny typos you spot!

So onto crafting - I decided yesterday that I'd make a Birthday Book - now I'm famous/infamous for my memory - or lack of it! Why though can I remember useless bits of trivia and other tosh? Bizarre huh?

So in an attempt to try and remember everyone's birthday I thought I'd do a book where they could all be put in. I'm rather pleased with it really, once I'd got it worked out it all came together quite quickly really. Not bad eh? Especially when its made in a 9" square workspace!

This is my (poor) attempt at an arty type of shot!

Here you can see the front cover, covered with DCWV paper, (a stamped image which I thought was rather appropriate as she's holding an envelope! How perfect is she?) A few Primas, a brad and a few sticky pearls, I glossy accented the letters too in a rush of inspiration or something!

These are some of the pages inside. I made the insert sheets up on the computer and also the months. The pages alternate in colours, chocolate and turquoise. Some people might think I didn't have enough of each colour..... they'd be right! Oops! I needed 4 sheets of each colour. Typically I only had 3! Anyway I think the two colours worked well and it meant I could contrast the tabs too and I did the faux stitching thing too.
A bit of a closer view in case any of you aren't wearing your glasses!
So there you are my latest creation - I think at this width you could get at least 3 books like this from one BIA wire. So quite an inexpensive make into the bargain. All the other bits were from stash, the covers were mountboard covered with paper.

Till next time - keep warm! Because cor blimey its cold out there!

Thursday, 1 January 2009

Happy 2009

Happy New Year my loyal bloggettes! Here you are a photo of myself (I'm not promising it'll stay here for long!) As you may have gathered its me resplendent in red! lol And yes you can just about make out THE shoes. And whats more they were really really comfortable! I was expecting my feet to be killing me - I'm almost disappointed that they weren't... like heck I was! The ball was fab, food fab, entertainment fab well apart from one couple who decided to 'dance' (I'm using that word in the loosest sense here folks) to a song on their own - we all were killing ourselves laughing. I think they thought it was because they were good.... well lets say it was entertaining for all the wrong reasons. Imagine two planks of wood which are half drunk trying to dance? A fair description I think! I think as the clock struck midnight I kissed every man in the room! Some of them were really keen too. One point you may not be able to make out is that in my shoes I'm a shade over 6 feet tall! Some of the shorter men were very eager, cheeky buggers were trying to snuggle into my er... bosoms! ~gasps~ lol

As you can see from my photo one of my resolutiuons this year is to get some weight off! I suppose that means I don't have to eat quite so much then. Dam just when thats one of the things I really good at too!

Well I'd best go and get the steak pie in the oven! The diet doesn't start today...obviously!