What a soggy start we had today - it improved slightly to very grey! However the inclement weather was no bother to me as I've had a fab day. Today I went to the Craft Den
I 've been demo-ing oo'er! Doesn't that sound posh? lol And I am so not a posh bird! Quiet all the ones who know me!
So what did we do? Well this morning we made up a template using the windows template pack from Helping Hands I think its fair to say a couple of the ladies looked at the template and thought 'oh my that looks complicated' Or words to that effect! After a coffee and some reassuring words they set about cutting it out. After a good spell of cutting and sticking their templates were done! I have to say they made a super job of them. Me being me I forgot to take pictures! I know Lynne took some and she plans on putting them on her blog here So all I can show you is the one I made! I decided to make mine into a dress shop and thought my fifties style lady would be perfect as the window shopper! Of course it wouldn't be complete without a few Prima flowers and a bit of MS branch punching.I added liquid pearls and stickles to the flower centres.
After lunch we made cards using the CD's from the HH range along with some Cute Daisy May images. I've had this one coloured in and thought I'd make a change from my usual (or so it seems lately) very pink cards. Some pink did creep in though! I just need to add a sentiment.
So that was my day - oh and then rushing home to take the Big L to have his hair 'done'. He's now all trimmed and streaked - he still looks 15 though! I've tried to explain to him that it'll be an advantage when he's 40! He's not seeing that at the moment when Tesco refused to sell him a Gaming magazine because thay thought he wasn't old enough lol!
What a miserable wet start to the week! Blinking cold as well, methinks the heating will be coming on SOON! I've got to pop to the Post Office though. I did try and drop more than a few hints to himself.... unfortunately his selective deafness managed to kick in at that very moment! How lucky? NOT!
So to brighten the day I'll start with a few gratuitous parrot pics! This is little Missy Tinker having a look round the worktop. Now its not always as full of junk as this (honest!) I was sorting out what was going into what bin.
Hello fans! I just need to check what Mummy's got ready for the bin, she needs supervision and expert help - both of which I can provide her with!I'll check over here first....
Right there's nothing on the floor...
I'll just check these tins are empty.... oh hang on what's that over there?
Oh come on Mummy you know you should clean these out before they go in the bin! Look there's loads of stuff left in it!
OK I'll clean it out for you then.... you know a parrots work is never done! I wouldn't mind but she only pays peanuts!
Well I think that's enough of Missy Tinkers help - what she didn't tell you is that she very kindly threw everything on the floor when she's finished 'helping'
So here's my card for this weeks challenge over at the Cute Daisy May Challenge. The brief this week was to add gems to your cards. We're very lucky this week as we have a super Guest designer. Bev joined us and her card is beautiful!
So here's my effort - little Daisy May in her tutu, with flowers and gems. The little charm is an angel and has an inscription on the reverse. Showing the inscription. I used Copics to colour, paper by Karen Neuberger, bazzil card, nestabilities, prima flowers, MS punching and Papermania gems and brads
A while ago I was contacted by a rubber stamp company asking if I was interested in joining their DT. Was I! Well I've had more contact from them - wooohooooo! There's still some details that need to be ironed out though.
So watch this space! Well not this one... it'll be in another space..... well totally different post really...
See I'm still here.... I bet you're pleased! So where have I been? I hear you say? Well no where really just busy and tired.... and well busy! lol So I've nothing crafty to show you....well I have but its not made of paper.More of that later.
Firstly a couple of gratuitous pics of my lovely babies ;))
Firstly we have little Missy Tinker She's enjoying an almond, one of her favourites.
And here is her Ladyship Harry! She's also enjoying an almond. Unlike Tinker if you go near Harry when she's eating be warned! Any food is HERS! And boy will she let you know it! It involve lots of noise and then she'll bite you. Well the OM mainly because he doesn't learn. I can sometimes touch the food but not often - I only get to do that because she's my baby girl! When they have sometime they like they make the most cute noise, sort of like a purr and they half close their eyes. Just like they're going 'Mmmmmm' I love to see how they hold it in their feet which are used like hands. They can hold really tiny things like grains of rice like this. Cute huh?
OK now for the 'crafty' thing. Its a new cake I made. How do you think it looks? Its a chocolate cake base covered with fudge icing and then a mix of crushed maltesers, chocolate buttons, flake and chopped fudge. Yummy! I think that sums it up nicely!
Obviously I wasn't sent a room.... I suppose you probably could but it would need rather a large box though.... I'd also like to see the postman carrying it down the road! For some reason I don't think it would be popular. Now I know you've read my whinges about my decorating - so I thought I'd show you a couple of photos of the finished article - complete with new carpet. That was almost a saga in itself too. When the fitters arrived (notice the plural there, there were three of them) almost the first words, well after 'three teas two with two sugars duck' were the words 'why haven't you taken your carpets up duck' I asked them if I looked like a carpet fitter - 'no' sniggered the largest. There's your answer then I says! Oh the kettle will be going on later when you've done something. Cheeky buggers. So eventually they got cracking and they got a cup of tea. To date neither of the babies have 'christened' the carpet either! I might get some new curtains - I can't decide what colour to get though. I've had a quick look but there were only about 90,00000 different fabrics to look at so no choice at all really.
So I'm pretty pleased with my efforts and thank goodness its done! Plus I reckon you're all really bored with it now too! lol '' So back to the title - what was I sent? Well I received an envelope crammed full of the most gorgeous flowers! You may have noticed I'm partial to the odd flower or two on my cards.... These were sent by Tracy from Creative Treasures So I spent a little while having a good stroke and a lick of them. That's what you have to do with new flowers - ITS THE LAW!!! ;)) I then had a sort though my papers and images and picked this little Gorguss Girl and coloured her to coordinate with the flowers. I also did a little dangler a la Bev Instead of a charm I added a tiny bell for a change. A little punching a la Martha Stewart, a few sticky pearls a length of dotty organza ribbon and I was finished. What do you think? Its a totally different colour scheme for me. While Mojo was playing so nicely I did another quickly before he scarpered again! This is similar-ish but with a Magnolia image, more of those fabby flowers and a dangler and ribbon. I'm quite pleased, well more than as I'm operating on restricted stash. For some bizarre reason I decided to have a good clear out of my craft room! I'm about half way through at the moment. Well I'm at the stage of thinking 'why am I doing this???' The Girl Guides will be pleased though I've got them four boxes and 3 bags full of stuff already!
Hi Bloggettes! I'm back! I know that's kind of obvious.... I mean who'd be writing this if I wasn't? ;)) Anyways all my decorating is done! Complete, finished, over etcetera etcetera You can't imagine how pleased I am. Well you can I'm sure! It does look rather lovely though. Well for now - the hooligans haven't been let loose in it yet!
So here's a peep of this coming weeks challenge over at Cute Daisy Mays The challenge being to make a card that was neither square nor rectangular. Afte a little bit of head scartching I came up with this. Its a scalloped circle cut on the Cricut, a couple of nestabilities, Daisy May (of course), Primas and a dangler a la Bev! I'd got some little charms that said Princess and I thought that here daisy does look a little princess on her way to ballet class.
So Bloggettes hopefully normal-ish service will now be resumed! Well whatever normal is!
Hi Bloggettes! Remember me? lol I can't believe it so long since I bored/treated you to a slice of my life! Well as the title says its chaos here. I've finally decided I MUST get the lounge decorated. All the walls are bare awaiting a dressing of new paper and paint! I'm trying to discourage OM from helping too much! We don't work terribly well together! He wants to do everything at 100mph. In his words 'times money'..... not for me it aint! I don't 'do' rushing, especially not when I'm decorating. Well not if I want the paint and paper on the walls and not everywhere else!
My fingers are better now so I thought I'd better get a move on and get it done. I've procrastinated until even I can't procastinate any more!
Here is my entry for this weeks Cute Daisy May challenge - a sketch, my favourite.
I'm from Yorkshire and live with my OM and the Big L. Along with my two caiques Harry and Tinker. I also bake
cakes! Oh and for those not 'in the know' Caiques is pronounced now you'll like this ... C A K E S!