Howdy Doody Bloggettes!
See I'm still here.... I bet you're pleased! So where have I been? I hear you say? Well no where really just busy and tired.... and well busy! lol So I've nothing crafty to show you....well I have but its not made of paper.More of that later.
Firstly a couple of gratuitous pics of my lovely babies ;))
Firstly we have little Missy Tinker She's enjoying an almond, one of her favourites.
And here is her Ladyship Harry! She's also enjoying an almond. Unlike Tinker if you go near Harry when she's eating be warned! Any food is HERS! And boy will she let you know it! It involve lots of noise and then she'll bite you. Well the OM mainly because he doesn't learn. I can sometimes touch the food but not often - I only get to do that because she's my baby girl! When they have sometime they like they make the most cute noise, sort of like a purr and they half close their eyes. Just like they're going 'Mmmmmm' I love to see how they hold it in their feet which are used like hands. They can hold really tiny things like grains of rice like this. Cute huh?
OK now for the 'crafty' thing. Its a new cake I made. How do you think it looks? Its a chocolate cake base covered with fudge icing and then a mix of crushed maltesers, chocolate buttons, flake and chopped fudge. Yummy! I think that sums it up nicely!
So who fancies a piece?
Lili Of The Valley - Sending Love #1
3 days ago
Me, me, me...I fancy a piece. :D
Net! You know its bedtime hun!
Lovely to see your girlies...Have a lovely weekend. You've got my addy so you know where to send the cake!
Good Luck for Tuesday. Gez. XXX
Off to look for something to dry the keyboard with & find some chocolate!!!
they are so pretty chocolate cake isn't bad too
I am off tomorrow will try and save you some stuff
:( I bet that Gez has scoffed all the cake by now!!!! It looks superb Net XXX
that looks really tempting , torturer
Nett the cake looks Yummy!!! Can't think of anything nicer to munch on at the moment but obviously will just have to dream about it!! lol
Love the pic's of your babe's xx
Hope to try to get to see you on Tuesday!! Good Luck with the classes.
OMG that looks delicious, but very bad for my diet. I'm leaving now....very quickly.
oh boy Net - I'll have a piece careful how you wrap it for the post tho' won't you!! xx
Did someone say choccy cake? Oh go on then Net, if i have to! :)
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