Sniff sniff Bloggettes. I have yet another stinking cold! Courtesy of my OM. Isn't he kind sharing his germs with me? I feel pretty bleurgh! Quite a good description of it I think!
So what have I been up to? Well not much as I feel bleurgh! lol So last night I settled down with my copics, tissues and Day Nurse and had a colouring session. Nothing too strenuous for me. So what did I come up with?
Well the first card is using one of the images from the new Lets Play Dolls House CD from Helping Hands Templates. The image is of a church interior and I thought I'd take a different slant and made it into a sympathy card. I quite like it but I think my sentiment is a tad large for the size of the card. I might remove it later!
A few obligatory Prima flowers in the corner with Martha Stewart branches. The dots aren't brads but are Craftwork cards Jellytots. A pretend brad in effect. On the same CD are some doodle images that Linnie has drawn. This is little Daisy May - isn't she sweet? She is available on the same CD or as a download from here. There are several sets to choose from. Again she's been Copic'd :)) A Nestie background which has also been through a Cuttlebug folder. Oops Primas in the corner again! lol So Bloggettes I'm just off to throttle Harry who's decided now is a good time to shout her head off! She does slip in a 'who's a beauty' in mid shout though. I wonder who she means?....
Hey Bloggettes! Here I am ~holds out hand for a smack~ Aren't I naughty? Did you think I'd abandoned you all? Not really - just been uber manic here, more than usual even lol So a brief run down - erm... meetings, baking, lethargy! I think that just about sums it up!
So what can I treat you with? Well I treated myself to some Copics, well it has been my birthday you know ;)) and of course I deserved a present. So here's a card I made last night after having a good colouring session. ILURVES colouring I does! All of a sudden I got this funny feeling in my rear - it was Mojo giving me a kick! So here's the result. I must say I'm quite pleased with it. ~blushes~
For a change I stamped onto linen card, I really like the effect and it seems to take the Copicsquite well too. Hammered card doesn't at all! Just soaks up the ink and goes funny looking. This attempt at an arty shot show my flowers with tiny button middles. I thoughtbling middles would be wrong as she's a muted kind of gal. Oh and here's a little pic of my babies! Aren't they pretty? Trouble is I now want all of them...... And just for Gez - a picture of Tinker having her bath this morning! You're right - that's a lot of water being splashed around! Its amazing for a little bird she sure soaks the kitchen! Hopefully I'll be back later and get my OWOH thing done.
I saw this while blog hopping and thought it seemed a really nice idea. So what is it? Its an idea set up by the lady at the link above, basically crafters of the world get together on t'internet and give away stuff! How cool is that?
So what will I give away? I will give away a Birthday Book - like the one below.
OK - it may not be exactly the same but you get my drift huh? Hey I can even do you what colour you like - blimey I'm good! lol Not really....
So to be in with a chance of receiving one of these books you leave a comment on this post only. I'm willing to ship to wherever you live.
This post will remain ontop of my blog till the 11th february and I will draw a winner on 12 february (please let someone enter!!!!) ~blushes....
Hi Bloggettes - something baked to show today. The crafty things will have to wait as I think the recipients pop in here from time to time.
Seeing as I had a bit more time than usual (rare thing!) So I decided I'd make some bread. I've not made any bread for ages. So despite being out of practice this is the result! Very nice it is too, even if I say so myself! This is the crust warm from the oven waiting to be dressed with Lurpak! Delicious! There's another loaf too, so we'll be Ok until at least tomorrow!
This ginger lump is Dudley! The most laid back cat in the world I think. He'll lie like this for ages. In this position he'll then pedal his legs like mad, that's about as much exercise as he gets! Dudley is also very lazy and greedy. He's not overweight, he's just under tall! He maybe needs to as tall as a Labrador.... Just a coy little peep!
Its still snowy here, well more snowy actually as we had a shed load more today. So I've given myself a week off market baking. Instead I've done something for us. Steak pie and I've also made some bread. I've not done bread for yonks. Its in the oven now - I can't wait to have the first piece still hot from the oven plastered with butter! Yum yum!
Well after Tinkers blackberry tutorial Harry wanted to get in on the act! We had a big discussion over what she could do. We decided against such things as 'chewing the door' 'pooing on Mum!' (yes both of those things happen). In the end we came up with 'bathing; the caique way'
So I'll hand over to Harry.
Right people first of all you get your pet human to get the water to just the right temperature. Then stand underneath the tap, on their hand of course.
Turn around a few times until you're really soaked. Then we come to the really exciting bit! FLAP REALLY HARD!
No HARDER! The idea is to soak the human too, oh and as much of the kitchen as you can as well. I say soak the human because I have never seen them having a bath in the sink. Mummy says they do it in a special one upstairs. I don't know if that's true because I've not seen it. So how can it be right if I haven't? Anyway keep flapping as hard as you can. You know when you're finished because the human will look really bedraggled.
For the final step instruct your human to get your towel, that'll be the soft fluffy one that should be warming on the radiator! Place human on a chair and drape with said towel. They then stay there for an hour or so while you rub yourself dry.
I mean I think they're really lucky that I allow them to be so involved in my personal toilet habits!
Aren't my humans lucky?
Oh and if my Mummy says I stink when I'm wet she's wrong! I think I smell of roses!
It would seem I'm it for the moment! Gezzy has tagged me to find the fourth photo in the fourth folder. Here you are pecan shortbread! Mmmmmmm! It is delicious!
Hi Bloggettes! From a still snowy CM Towers, more to come too if the weather forecasters are right...
So to cheer you up today a little bit of caique advice! Please let me reintroduce Tinker who will demonstrate how to eat blackberries!
Firstly you acquire your blackberry (she had to improvise by stealing one from the Big L's yoghurt). Bring said blackberry to Mummy! Mummy removes both caique and blackberry from her lap! OK the top of the laptop will be OK. Begin chewing.... chew until every seed is crunched! Ooops missed a couple so I'd best keep chewing. It doesn't matter that my face is covered. I'll show you how to deal with that later on. Then because I'm such a good girl you have to clean up after yourself right? Now I know you're going to say its all over my face, really that's not a problem because then I go and WIPE IT OFF IN MUMMY'S HAIR!!!!!
So see its easy to eat a blackberry! And yes that was one blackberry Bloggettes - it kept her quiet for 15 minutes which is really something for Tinker!
Don't fret Bloggettes it's only a card! This is another scene from the new Helping Hands background CD. Available here
Now as soon as I saw this garage scene it appealed and I knew I had a vintage car stamp.....somewehere! Well I found the stamp and here we are. The car is raised slightly on 2mm foam pads (saves on postage) and is set slightly off the bottom edge of the image. I even sat and cut all the white from between the spokes on the wheels too! Wishing all the time that I had a stamp with solid wheels! So thats a quickie from me today folks. Hope all that nasty white stuff has left you, we still have quite a bit lingering.... more is forecast for the end of the week too....
Monday, 2 February 2009
Well its still snowing here Bloggettes! My son's phoned to say work is closing early so that's better! He's getting the bus though - my car is useless in snow! Our road is now getting a thickish covering of slushy snow, the worst sort! At least the main roads are still clear and the buses running. Otherwise I might have had to go and speak nicely to our neighbour who has a Land Rover!
So a few snowy pics!
The girls weren't impressed by the snow at all! Harry just stared at it in amazement, Tinker growled at it and when that didn't make it go away she went and sat snuggled up on Daddy's shoulder! So perhaps she is a baby still!
Hiya Bloggettes - are you blessed with the white stuff? Or in my opinion cursed? I love snow but only on postcards and television! I mean we get an inch and the country grinds to a halt lol! I did have a few errands to run today, Hmmmmm?? somehow I don't think they'll get done! Its snowing again as I type... those big fluffy flakes that soon settle. Well no matter the heating is ON and I have plenty to do, when don't I?
So I'll show you a few cards I've done. These are all the same basic design just with different papers. Now I saw this design on a challenge blog and thought how nice the sketch looked..... so I faithfully drew the sketch and made the cards. Et voila! Here there are.... however being a plonker I forgot to write down the name of which blog it was! hahahaha! Typical. I often see challenges and think I'll have a go at that and then forget to note the sketch or the name of the blog or both. So this is actually an improvement as at least I noted the sketch!
These all use Cosmo Cricket (love that name!) papers, Prima flowers, sticky pearls, nestabilitie shapes and Martha Stewart branch punch outs - thanks for the punch Rachel ;)) I then did the faux stitching on the bottom which I have to admit I'm not too keen on, but its on now so its staying!
And now for Karen a couple of gratuitous pics of my babies! Firstly we have Harry, she's enjoying a almond. I love how she holds it in her foot, well they're almost like hands when they're eating. She's nicely showing off her bracelet too! Missy Norty Britches!!! or Tinker eating hers. She's a little piggy and scoffs hers really quickly! She'll then try her baby routine and try and get some off Harry! It used to work when she was a baby and she'd do the begging routine. Harry has now cottoned on that Tinker isn't really a baby any more and isn't quite so keen on the sharing thing! Parrots aren't always good at sharing, a bit like kids! This can result in lots of noise indeed! This time they both managed to eat only their own. So my Bloggettes I hope you all stay safe and warm in this cold weather - I may venture out later and take some snowy photos for you!
I'm from Yorkshire and live with my OM and the Big L. Along with my two caiques Harry and Tinker. I also bake
cakes! Oh and for those not 'in the know' Caiques is pronounced now you'll like this ... C A K E S!