Wow what consistency - a post two days running!
Hang on you nutter its only the second day of your blog! Ooops!
Well anyway my friend Mr Postie came yesterday with some lovely stamps I ordered from Nikki at www.dewdropcraftz.co.uk they are the cutest little mushroom 'people'. I actually felt the need to use them immediately! Wow mojo overload here at the moment.
I mean blogs, photos, cards, baking.... whatever next?
Hopefully there'll be a picture of said mushroom card somewhere on the blog!
Oh if its blurry that's probably because I took it with my camera phone - real camera is poorly sick. Either that or its just being lazy!
Yay! Can see your first picture here - must have a look at those mushroom stamps - cute card.
Nice one Net! :) Congrats on getting your blog up and running, card looks great and you just may have warmed me to those mushroom stamps.
hheee he is a cutie !
well done on your blog net - but how DO you pronouce your blog name ?
Fabby card too xxx
I love the Mushroom stamps and good luck on your blog. It makes fun reading
What a Fun-ghi he is Net.
Welcome to blogland Net - love the mushroom card, he's really cute
hheee he is a cutie ! well done on your blog net - but how DO you pronouce your blog name ? maddy
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