Yo fellow Blogettes!
Hopefully (fingers crossed) above me ~crosses fingers harder~ shkjfjkf kgkgkpdfskiugn ~ uncrosses fingers bloody hard to type with them crossed!~are a few photographs of where I've been today. Today Net has been to Woollaton Park in Nottingham! Lovely! It was sunny and quite warm which makes a big change. I was there to play golf and even better I won! the only Lady playing in a field on men! HAH! How big did I grin? You guessed it pretty darn big I can tell you ;))
We had a meal after which also meant I didn't have to do any cooking at all - we even had breakfast there too.
Woollaton Park is lovely - you play in a deer park - how fab is that! Though at this time of the year its the 'rut' when boy deers are looking for L U R V E! Woe betide anyone who gets too near the girlie deers! The stags will chase you off. And boy do some of them have some mahoosive antlers! 8-( Would be a real shock to your system. But beautiful animals even if they are a teeny bit ~okay alot~ stinky!
Firstly wooohhoooo on the blog posting... and pics...
secondly.. you go girlie... you show them men what you're made of *in golf terms*
Well done.. huge congrats to you..
Lovely park too... bet that makes the game all the more enjoyable..
Well done on winning, Net - love the photos - and glad the weather was good.
That looks lovely Net, we have a course down the road from me that has deer running through it, they have a gorgeous white stag that rears it's head from time to time.
Well done on getting your blog sorted. :) Liking the witches.
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