I do hope you've all had a lovely Christmas - mine was different as I had an unexpected 'gift'..... pneumonia! How fantastic was that then? You're right it was not in the slightest bit fantastic at all! In fact it was sodding vile, I've never coughed so much in my life. I did prove though that I possess some muscles as I pulled some in my side coughing. That made coughing rather difficult - but I'm over the worst now.
So a few photos for you today - here's my gorgeous girl Harry. I love the expression on her face! Any ideas what she's thinking? Well seeing as she was eating I had a camera in her face I'm sure you can guess!

Now a few shots of the card I made for my OM. Yes I know its got a Tilda on but she's hugging! I even cut into a sheet of Magnolia paper! I almost had palpitations, fortunately the other piece had already been cut so that wasn't so traumatic. A bit of lace and a few flowers a la WOC and it was done. Copics for colouring natch ;))

The delightful arty shot!
A close up of the flowers, these were spritzed with some Glimmer mist..... I think you can almost make the glimmer out.....especially if you squint!

Now over at the lovely Julias its WOYWW. Now the 'work', if you could call it that, can't be shared as yet. So I put these babies on there! Now I can put my hand up and say 'I love shoes' especially little babies like these, I mean who wouldn't? And yes I can walk in them. Of course I was chuffed to bits when LK Bennett opened a shop in Meadowhall!

Now over at the lovely Julias its WOYWW. Now the 'work', if you could call it that, can't be shared as yet. So I put these babies on there! Now I can put my hand up and say 'I love shoes' especially little babies like these, I mean who wouldn't? And yes I can walk in them. Of course I was chuffed to bits when LK Bennett opened a shop in Meadowhall!
Oh I wubs them I does....
Now seeing as I've not shown you any actual work.... I got talked into showing you the area 'loosely termed' as punch storage.... Otherwise known as the 'space on the cupboard where I pile up some punches'. Notice the use of the word 'some' ;)) That's all I'm saying!
Pop over to Julias and check out the real desks, who know you might see some actual work!