Hey Bloggettes here I am! Not lost as I'm sure you thought... I do hope you've missed me... ~waits patiently for affirmative answers...~ Right we'll skip over that then! So where has Caique Momma been? She has been on her holidays! Yippeee! So where has she been? Florida! A favourite place of mine - the sun, the shops.... and well is there anything else? Well there were plenty of shops but not as much sun as I'd have liked! Typical eh? Travel thousands of miles and its not boiling! Still it was lovely and the therapy was excellent - I might have to post a pic of my stash.... muahahahaha! Yup it will be a total gloat post I'm afraid Bloggettes. Well it was the 'Black Friday' sales and it would have been rude not to wouldn't it? I mean the American economy is in a bad way. My OM said I didn't have to single handedly get it back on its feet!
Hey a girls got to help though...
So a few piccies to tied you over, some of my stash (sorry!), and a few general ones of the holidays. I've made a pile of cards since I've got back but I've not taken any photos of those yet - I'll treat you to some of those later!
So as you can see I hardly bought any craft stuff at all... ~rolls eyes~
This was taken at Fort DeSoto Park - down near St Petes Beach.
This was taken from The Pier at St Petersburg, well its just a big building on a pier really...
A sunset - Florida has some really spectacular ones, if you like them I have about 90 different ones I could show you... Oh this will be enough then... ;o))
Lili Of The Valley - Sweet Wishes #1
1 day ago
Wow - stash aside, that is a fantastic sunset. Look forward to seeing that scrapped!
Glad you had a nice time Net.
Loving your stash. Not so keen on the gathering rain clouds but love your sunset. :)
Can't wait to see what you create.
Gez. xx
Looks like you had a fantastic time Net. Loving all that stash too :) xx
Welcome back Net.
Lots of fabulous crafting goodies and a super sunset.
Sue x
Welcome back Net! Look's like you brought back a whole shop with you ;o) Love the sunset shot, I just love sunsets!!
look at all that stash!! .... see you in a minute when I am knocking at your door!!!
seriously though, did you leave all your clothes there or just take an extra suitcase?
Looks like you had a great time.
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