So it needed to be small..... after a scoot round I came across some felt.... so some cutting.... sewing - on my machine no less, the application of stuff and Voila! Lumpy was born!
Now if you examine this creature.... which is a 'cat of sorts' you will see he is appropriately named ;)) Now his eyes didn't come out the way I pictured them in my head... nor his ears which were meant to be pointy kitty ones... or nose are you getting the picture? I quite like his little heart though.
So Lumpy has taught me a couple or three things.... felt is not easy to turn inside out - especially tails! Little things are mighty fiddly, pins are very sharp!
So please be kind to Lumpy... he has feelings you know!
aww,lumpy is adorable:)
well done,and you're right-pins are sharp LOL
Awwww, he's fab Net x
Oh hun, now I've wiped the tears of laughter away and had a proper look at Lumpy .... well, he is .... err, what's the word? Oh I know, he's ADORABLE! I love Lumpy and I think he should have his own blog for all his adventures in Netland!! Hugs, Sxx
Lumpy is so sweet Net - his character is showing already! xx
I LOVE Lumpy Net!!!!! and I love that he is much character. Well done my lovely!!! Felt is very hard to turn at corners so don't be put off will you? HUGS XXX
Lumpy is lubbly x
hahaha Lumpy is lovely Net and yes pins are sharp!
At least you completed your homework.
Well done Net, I think Lumpy is cool!
awww Lumpy is very cute!
Look forward to seeing your next sewing projects!
I LOOOOVE little lumpy
Awwww.. Lumpy is totally fab. :-)Well done on creating him :-)
Carole x
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